Fiona Fidler is a professor at the University of Melbourne, with a joint appointment in the Schools of BioSciences and History & Philosophy of Science. She is broadly interested in how experts, including scientists, make decisions and change their minds. Her past research has examined how methodological change occurs in different disciplines, including psychology, medicine and ecology, and developed methods for eliciting reliable expert judgements to improve decision making. She originally trained as a psychologist, and maintains a strong interest in psychological methods. She also has an abiding interest is statistical controversies, for example, the ongoing debate over Null Hypothesis Significance Testing. She is a current Australian Research Council Future Fellow, and founded the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research & Open Science (AIMOS) in 2019.
T: @fidlerfm
Simine Vazire is a professor of psychology at the University of Melbourne, and a member of the Ethics & Wellbeing Hub. She studies meta-science and research methods/practices, as well as personality psychology and self-knowledge. Her research interests on the meta-science side include assessing the quality and integrity of scientific studies, the peer review process, and the scientific community at large. She is interested in how transparency and criticism are (or aren’t) used to make science more self-correcting. Her training is in social and personality psychology, and her interests in scientific practices and norms stems largely from her experiences in that field, particularly the so-called replication crisis. She has been an editor at several psychology journals, and co-founded the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) with Brian Nosek in 2016.
T: @siminevazire
Aurélien Allard is a postdoctoral research fellow at UC Davis. He completed a PhD in political philosophy at Paris 8 University. His research interests include metascience, philosophy of science, moral philosophy and moral psychology.
Martin Bush is a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne. He has expertise in popular science and public reasoning practices and professional experience in science communication and the museum sector.
Daniel Hamilton is a trained radiation therapist. Daniel has worked at Epworth Hospital and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Dan is completing a PhD investigating data sharing practices and policies in oncology research.
John Maaga is an undergrad psychology major, with the ultimate goal of becoming a psychiatrist. In his first stats class in community college, he became fascinated by the complexity of research methods. John hopes to influence the use of better research practices, especially as it relates to medical and psychological treatments.
Sarah Schiavone is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus blandit dolor diam, at aliquet elit convallis eget. Proin scelerisque maximus purus, ac semper purus consequat at. Aliquam magna diam, fermentum sit amet posuere Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Aaron Wilcox recently completed a psychological science degree. Aaron also works as a research assistant at Deakin University under Emma Sciberras. Aaron is an R acolyte and an open science advocate and will be continuing studies into fourth year and beyond.
Raquel Ashton is a qualified wildlife veterinarian, expert elicitor and shadow editor for the journal, Biological Conservation. Raquel currently monitors the health of the repliCATS project as the IDEA protocol workflow coordinator.
Hannah Fraser is an ecologist studying how current ecological research practices relate to the rigor and reproducibility of results. Her research interests include QRPs, replication, preregistration, registered reports and improving scientific practice.
Andy Head is a research assistant. He recently completed a graduate diploma of psychology at Deakin University and plans to start a PhD in 2020. Andy’s research interests include methodology, improving science practices, and public engagement with science.
Fallon Mody is a postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies. Fallon’s research interests include science communications, qualitative analysis in mixed methods research, public engagement in science, and history of medicine.
Felix Singleton Thorn recently completed a PhD in psychology. Felix’s research examines how people plan, report and interpret the results of psychological experiments, with the goal of improving the accuracy of inferences and providing practical heuristics to guide the interpretation of results.
Bonnie Wintle is a senior research fellow in the School of Biosciences. Bonnie develops structured methods for eliciting and aggregating quantitative and qualitative judgements from groups of experts, to support better decision and policy making. Bonnie’s also interested in expertise, uncertainty and prediction.
Julia Bottesini is a PhD student at UC Davis studying metascience, research practices, and quantitative psychology. Her current projects examine how research stakeholders, including study participants and science journalists, view scientists’ research practices.
Elliot Gould is a PhD student in BioSciences. Elliot is studying reproducibility and transparency of decisions in ecology and conservation. Elliot’s research interests include data science, decision analysis, ecological modelling.
Steve Kambouris is a PhD student studying reproducibility, open science and meta-analysis with an emphasis on ecology and education.
Mel Ross originally trained as a physiotherapist and has had a varied career working in hospital rehabilitation for over 17 years. More recently she has been working in Business Development. She has joined the team as a research administrator.
Eden Smith is a postdoctoral research fellow. Eden’s research focuses on how concepts such as replicability are used within open-science communities. Eden is collaborating on a digital-ethnography project exploring the sociotechnical dynamics of open-source development of a decentralised technology.